Jerry Joyce Living Legacy Awards

Jerry Joyce Living Legacy Awards

For the past 15 years, Legacy Retirement Communities has partnered with KFOR to honor deserving individuals with the Jerry Joyce Living Legacy Award. Legacy Retirement Communities invites the public to shine a light on those unsung heroes in our community who are doing amazing things under the radar that benefit so many others.

Now through Monday, April 14th, we invite you to nominate the humble heroes in your circles. Through sharing their stories, we can lift spirits and inspire others to keep kindness going.

At the end of the nomination period, one or more nominees will be selected and later recognized at an event, where the Jerry Joyce Living Legacy Awards will be presented. The award recipients will also receive a donation of $2,500 to pay forward to the nonprofit(s) of their choice.

Nominations of 500 words or less can be submitted by filling out the nomination form at Other options are to email your nomination to Carol at KFOR - or mail to the radio station - KFOR Radio, 3800 Cornhusker Highway, Lincoln NE 68504 by April 14th.